Welcome to our online store. Please note that orders are processed for delivery within 5 - 10 working days. Welcome to our online store. Please note that orders are processed for delivery within 5 - 10 working days.

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Online Store: 081 451 5345 // Coffee Shop: 073 361 7203
Store info

Monday-Sunday : 7am-5pm


36 Park Drive, Glen Ashley, Durban, 4051

36 Park Drive, Glen Ashley, Durban, 4051

Monday-Sunday : 7am-5pm

This store is so much more...

For those of you that are familiar with the LIV Village, you will know the story and how it has come to transform so many lives.

The LIV/STORE is a retail venture that we hope will bring the village as well as all of it's energy and vibrancy closer to the city of Durban so that more people in the broader Durban community can connect with the village, spread the message and through any purchases made in the store, help support the growth of LIV.

Our online store stocks products that have been generously donated by the public for us to sell. All (100%) of the profits go to support our LIV villages around the country to help look after the orphan and vulnerable children of our nation. If you've not yet heard of LIV, visit the site by clicking on the link and find out more about this remarkable story.